The Courier-Journal Louisville, Kentucky Sunday, July 09, 1972 - Page 46
To Russia from America by Merrill Dowden
[Caption: Chess sets have been presented to heads of state from the time of Charlemagne.]
What surely must rate as one of the most exquisite chess sets ever created was presented as a gift of state to the SOVIET people by President and Mrs. Nixon on their recent visit to the USSR.
([But no invitation to a White House Dinner in acknowledgement of Bobby Fischer's triumphant world championship victory and bringing the honor home to the American people was forthcoming from either Nixon or Kissinger, who were more interested in investing in trade relations and profiting from Soviet Slavery and grappling with Xtian Zionist interests ([see Nixon and Kissinger's unsavory conversation, whether its a policy concern or not if Soviets stick Jews in gas chambers recorded in 1973… no friends of the Jews! Since Zionists accused Fischer in the manner of the “Hitlerite Race Myth,” which claims being “born Jewish” which is a fiction, especially since Regina Fischer was not Jewish, she didn't even circumsize her son, which tells the world everything about her view on religion(s)… yet, that Hitler myth persisted and all the more reason Nixon, an antisemite, would snub Fischer and side with his financial/trade partners in Soviet Russia]). Nixon would soon be dealt his own karma, by American demanding the racist traitor's impeachment.])
The inscription reads: “Presented to the people of the Union of Soviet [PSEUDO]Socialist Republics from President and Mrs. Richard Nixon and the people of the United States of America.
Each of the 32 porcelain sculptures, standing six to seven inches in height, is individually fashioned in semi-medieval garb, colored in burgundy and turquoise, and ornamented in 18-carat gold. ([Why didn't Bobby Fischer receive a duplicate of this fine gift, Mr. Nixon, or were your loyalties to the racist Russian empire so much dearer to heart?])
The plumed Knight on horseback is in armor complete with visored headpiece. The Rook was a crenelated tower with a page peering from the top and a court lady in cowled headdress frame in the turret below. ([Describing a fine scene from IMPERIALIST EMPIRES, a thing shared in common between Nixon's role as Emperor elect of the American Empire and the fascist Soviet/Russian Empire.])
The King and Queen are robed in Byzantium splendor; the Queen holds a falcon; the King a pennant of gold. There is a psalter in the Bishop's right hand and in the other a gold crozier. ([Why would any so-called anti-Capitalist, in the Soviet Union, be impressed with such extravagance… such tokens of “aristocracy”?]) The Pawns were embroidered falcons on their jerkins and carry a bow with a quiver and arrows slung around their hips.
Along with the set went a chessboard almost three feet square. It is based on a Fifteenth Century design, and its square are of American black walnut and curly maple. The maple is from a tree in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, more than 200 years old. The black walnut came from adjoin Bucks county.
Just as baseball is America's national sport, so is chess the national pastime in Russia ([and if Richard Nixon was presenting such a gift to glorify Chess, then he implies his interest in the game and had he really had interest would have promptly extended honors of a White House invitation to the American champion, Robert J. Fischer, who valiantly met the challenge of two months of exhausting mental labors and, won the championship. But the racist, antisemitic traitor Nixon, had no interest in exercising such domestic diplomacy, befitting of our world champion! Nixon was a traitor. That's why he resigned before he was impeached]) And the gift seems doubly appropriate, coming at a time when American grandmaster Bobby Fischer is about to engage world champion Boris Spassky of Moscow in a 24-game title match at Reykjavik, Iceland. ([Except, where was that White House invitation… and how come Brad Darrach/Life Magazine was permitted to get away with publishing false reports, and mocking the lack of invitation from Nixon to Fischer, to the White House? since it was so perfect “for the occasion”. Nixon was a brown-nosing Russian Soviet traitor... and had no intention of supporting our champion. Nixon was a sellout, a traitor to the American nation and its people... to the highest national laws.])
The chess set was designed and executed by the Cybis porcelain art studio in Trenton, N.J., and was many months in the making.
Chess has a long history as a presentation Gift of State. Charlemagne is said to have been the recipient of an elaborately carved set from Empress Irene, who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire (797-802 A.D.) Louis XIV was presented with a magnificent set in 1680. It is now part of a museum collection. ([Indeed, a fine gift from the criminal counterfeit President of the American Empire to his counterparts in the fascist Soviet/Russian Empire.])
Napoleon was given a historic set by Gouvion St.-Cyr, marshal of France. And in 1841 Sir William Parker, admiral of the British fleet that ended the Opium War, was presented a carved ivory set from the collection of the Emperor Tao Kwang (1820-1850).
Nixon had no interest in promoting “Peace” in Reykjavik. His extravagant gift to the Soviet tyrants whilst snubbing the American champion, amply demonstrate the side Nixon was on.