The Sydney Morning Herald Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Saturday, July 15, 1972 - Page 6
Heading for Reykjavik, I suppose? ([The Soviet Union unduly mixing Chess with Politics, and dragging Robert Fischer into the NATO squabble rife with bitter Anti-American hostility, but the papers are guilty of keeping Americans in the dark about this history of Keflavik. That was part of the Soviet master plan. Raking the coals of a Soviet-Icelandic vs. American-NATO squabble over the chessboard, and Fischer is expected to burden the responsibility for politics he neither voted for, and quite possibly had very limited knowledge of! The Soviet chose Iceland, knowing it was pushing Fischer into a hornet's nest of Racism and Anti-American intolerance. The Soviet Propaganda goes so far as making pawns of the American servicemen at Keflavik, who regularly on the receiving end of the brunt of Anti-American hostilities and discrimination, with Soviet propaganda alleging even American soldiers were supposedly backing the Soviets and ridiculing their own champion, to knock the support base from under the American. Isolate Fischer in Iceland in Soviet territory, then gang up and bully the American, behind the headlines]).