The San Francisco Examiner San Francisco, California Tuesday, July 11, 1972 - Page 2 ★
Moves Listed In World Chess Play
Reykjavik (Iceland) — (AP) — Here are the moves of defending champion Boris Spassky and challenger Bobby Fischer in the opening game of their 24-game match for the world chess title.
Spassky (White) vs. Fischer (Black)
1. P-Q4 N-KB3 2. P-QB4 P-K3 3. N-KB3 P-Q4 4. N-B3 B-N5 5. P-K3 O-O 6. B-Q3 P-B4 7. O-O N-B3 8. P-QB3 B-R4 9. N-K2 QPxQBP 10. BxBP B-N3 11. PxP QxQ 12. RxQ BxP 13. P-QN4 B-K2 14. B-N2 B-Q2 15. QR-B1 KR-Q1 16. NK2-Q4 NxN 17. NxN B-R5 18. B-K3 BxB 19. NxB RxRch 20. RxR R-QB1 21. K-B1 K-B1 22. K-K2 N-K5 23. R-QB1 RxR
Caption: Artist's version of Big Chess Match
Fischer, with the black, and Spassky, the white. — AP Photo.