Chippewa Herald-Telegram Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Friday, July 07, 1972 - Page 1
Go Get Him, Bobby!
“The number of times we have pulled for a Russian over an American can be chalked up with a zero,” the Wisconsin State Journal said in its editorial columns yesterday.
But regardless of this admirable record, the Madison newspaper is admittedly pulling for Russian Boris Spassky in the world championship of chess over American Bobby Fischer.
Editorializing somewhat noisily, the State Journal editorial claimed (a little pompously, we think), “A good share of the public is getting tired of the arrogant attitude many of our ‘sports figures’ have been displaying lately, and happily will welcome a comedown for them.”
“Bobby Fischer,” the editorial continued, “has epitomized all that is worst about the erroneous American image abroad — the greedy, money-grabbing ‘sportsman’ who plays the game only for what it pays him.”
“So,” the State Journal trumpeted, “we're in your corner now, Boris, and we know enough to be quiet.”
Quiet? Calling the greatest chess talent in the word (and Bobby Fischer will prove this if Spassky ever finds the fortitude to play him) greedy and arrogant is quiet?
We hope that the State Journal isn't serious about backing the Russian simply because Fischer has enough business acumen to demand and get adequate pay for his work.
Fischer was born with a machine-like mind, and he has developed his thinking process to the point where he can out-maneuver any other human being on a chessboard.
Sure he is outgoing, demanding—and, perhaps, just a little bit arrogant.
And in our estimation, he should be.
He is the best—and he knows it!
We think that Fischer, instead of epitomizing “all that is worst about the American image abroad (as the State Journal claims), instead presents an example of a tough-minded American businessman who has the guts and good sense to parley his special talent into a solid subsistence.
Being the world's best chess player isn't, after all, comparable to being a champion hula-hooper.
So, the Herald-Telegram, in its small way, would like to counter the State Journal's misguided endorsement of Boris Spassky with a solid vote of confidence for Bobby Fischer in his upcoming championship series with the Russian.
Go get him, Bobby!