The Des Moines Register Des Moines, Iowa Wednesday, July 12, 1972 - Page 8
'Fischer Will Win Where It Counts'
To the Editor: Regarding the recent articles on the Fischer-Spassky protocol fiasco in Reykjavik: Certainly the personality game the Icelanders (and others) expect from the two contenders will hardly affect the outcome for the world chess title.
Spassky can arrive on time for the ceremonial puppet shows, swap trinkets with the local heads-that-be, and further his public image (and Russia's) with smiles of mock sincerity. And it's obvious that Fischer's concern as an unofficial agent of U.S. diplomacy—well, Bobby could give a barf.
But Spassky is playing the wrong game. Unlike most public (sports) events where crowd attitudes can easily push one player or team to unequaled heights of performance or augment the slide to defeat, the quiet isolation that surrounds chess play holds no truck with the influences gained from image-building, and, for realizing this, Fischer should get credit.
Fischer's mind is direct, short-cutting its way to the best immediate solution and ahead to the ultimate move that gains him the deciding advantage. Thus, public image or no, where it counts Bobby will win. And Boris can retire to the Steppes with everlasting (haunting) memories. — Bob Getchell, 430 N. Dubuque, Iowa City, Iowa. 52240.