Evening Herald Shenandoah, Pennsylvania Friday, July 21, 1972 - Page 4
Contest's The Thing
A lot of cryptic stuff like this is coming out of Iceland these days: “53. K-B5 K-Kt4; 54. KxP KxP; 55. K-Q5 K-Kt4; 56. K-Q6 Resigns.” That is the windup of the first game in the Spassky-Fischer world championship chess match.
Few Americans—perhaps not one in 1,000, or even more—read such game records with understanding, let alone relish. Yet Americans are showing great interest in the match. This may not be so hard to explain.
The principals—in particular Fischer, a man of many idiosyncrasies—are intriguing. Then too, it matters less what the game is than that we have here a trial of strength between the two top players in all the world. Even people who aren't quite sure what “K-R5, K-B4” means, and don't much care, are keen to know the outcome of this prolonged chessboard struggle.