The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Wednesday, June 28, 1972 - Page 27
Players Can Follow Games On Own Boards
Each game of the world chess championships will be reported in a form called the Descriptive Notation, which enables other players to follow the game by duplicating each move on their own boards.
Each chess piece has its own letter symbol: K-king, Q-queen, R-rook, N-knight, B-bishop, and P-pawn.
Pieces on the king's side of the board (the right side, when the white pieces are at the bottom) have the letter K preceding the name of the piece itself (i.e., KP, king's pawn, KR, king's rook, KN, king's knight). Pieces on the queen's side (left) are designated queen's rook, knight, pawn, bishop, etc.
Each file takes the name of the piece that stands on it when the game begins and ranks are numbered from 1 to 8, from the side of the board making each move.
Each move is recorded by identifying the piece moved, following it by a hyphen and then naming the square on which it has been placed. Thus, a king's pawn opening is: KP-K4. Black's countermove is recorded opposite, in a separate column.