New York Times, New York, New York, Saturday, April 29, 1972 - Page 17
Australia Will Bid On Chess Title Play
Adelaide, Australia, April 28—Australia is expected to bid tomorrow for the staging of the first half of the 24-game world chess title match between Bobby Fischer of the United States and the champion, Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union.
G. Koshnitsky, organizing secretary of the Australian Chess Federation, said here tonight that a Melbourne entrepreneur, J.E. Mason, had told the Victoria Chess Federation he was willing to raise $133,760 to sponsor the event.
“As soon as I receive confirmation by telegram of this offer tomorrow, I will cable Australia's application to Dr. Max Euwe, president of the International Chess Federation in Amsterdam, Mr. Koshnitsky said.
If the first 12 games are played in Australia, the venue would probably be Melbourne. Originally the first 12 games were planned for Belgrade, but Yugoslavia canceled her sponsorship after a dispute with Fischer over prize money. The second half of the match is scheduled for Reykjavik, Iceland.