St. Louis Post-Dispatch St. Louis, Missouri Sunday, January 09, 1972 - Page 18
Russians Call Bobby Fischer Mercenary
Moscow, Jan. 8 (UPI)—The newspaper Sovietsky Sport criticized American chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer this week for wanting to play where he will be paid most.
A commentary by A. Roshal cited a recent interview by a Yugoslav grandmaster in which Fischer reportedly said, “Money is the most important part (of chess) for me.”
Sovietsky Sport said, “Fischer has a rare talent and his selfless efforts have made him capable of building a brilliant chess game.
“It goes without saying that an artist's job is paid at all times. But the paradox of Fischer, who is worshiping the golden calf, is that by making moves he puts money in first place.”
The newspaper called this “a lack of respect for the traditional spirit of sports competition.”
Fischer will play world champion Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union for the world title later this year. A site for the match has not been chosen.