Chicago Tribune Chicago, Illinois Sunday, January 23, 1972 - Page 240
Can Computers Ever Learn How to Be People?
Reviewed by Martin Gardner
…No digital computer, Dreyfus is convinced, will every play grandmaster chess. Bobby Fischer just doesn't think digitally. It is true that MacHack, the famous chess program at Minsky's Article Intelligence Laboratory at M.I.T., does not play even master chess, although a few years ago, to the whoops of Dreyfus's critics, it trounced him in a game. Moreover, MacHack does not plan moves in the same way Fischer does. (No one knows how Fischer's brain or anybody else's brain works. We don't even know how it remembers anything.) But neither does the ticktacktoe machine calculate the same way as a 10-year-old who plays an unbeatable game. Nowhere does Dreyfus make clear why MacHack could not learn to play master chess by its own electronic techniques…
[Martin Gardner seems to understand Artificial Intelligence, but proved his fallible credulity by publishing the circus of inanities made up from thin air by Ron Gross in the “Skeptical Inquirer” magazine. The sole intent of Gardner was obvious, to dehumanize Robert J. Fischer, through a repetition of sordid pseudoscientific allegations further promoted in 2017 to me, by Frederic Friedel via email. For instance, Ron Gross made a claim that was entirely medically unsound, unscientific, illegal, that supposedly Robert Fischer sought out a licensed dentist to ‘remove fillings in his teeth, exposing Master Bob's dental cavities to bacteria’ [thus … six months later, exposed said dentist to a malpractice suit, loss of license to practice dentistry with additional heavy fines and jail time …] sure he did! just like “Science” publications that act as a medium for idle speculations and rumors should be trusted by the public at large.
Harvard Business Review
Why the News Is Not the Truth